Friday, 31 May 2013

'Canada and Alaska' region

Hi all!

You may have noticed an announcement on official portal of this region. I've decided to share more details with those, who just want to have more strategic view.

So, overview of the map:

And below you may find a table with all the provinces, income and their maps:

Name Type of province Income Map Prime Time in UTC
Alert Standart 96 Arctic Region 19:00
Elsmir Standart 120 Arctic Region 19:00
Axel Heiberg Island Landing 24 Fjords 19:00
Gris Fayord Standart 240 Fjords 19:00
Devon island Standart 120 Arctic Region 19:00
Eglinton Standart 96 Arctic Region 20:00
Prince Patrick Landing 120 Arctic Region 20:00
West Melville Standart 240 Karelia 20:00
East Melville Standart 96 Fjords 19:00
Bathurst Landing 48 Fjords 19:00
Banks Landing 120 Arctic Region 20:00
West Victoria Standart 96 Fjords 20:00
East Victoria Standart 120 Arctic Region 19:00
Wales Prince Island Key province 6000 Serene Coast 19:00
Summerset Standart 96 Fjords 19:00
Arctic Bay Standart 120 Fjords 19:00
Clyde River Landing 240 Arctic Region 19:00
Dowsone Standart 1200 Fisherman's Bay 17:00
Fort Macfeson Landing 96 Serene Coast 20:00
Callville Lake Standart 120 Fisherman's Bay 17:00
Polatuk Standart 240 Fjords 17:00
Kugluktuk Standart 96 Serene Coast 19:00
Butters Inlet Standart 96 Fjords 19:00
Butia Standart 120 Arctic Region 19:00
Pungnirtung Standart 240 Fjords 19:00
Ikaluit Standart 240 Fjords 19:00
Ckondike Standart 1200 Karelia 17:00
Silver Trail Standart 240 Serene Coast 17:00
Campbell Standart 240 Fisherman's Bay 17:00
Campbell Band Standart 120 Serene Coast 20:00
Reegley Standart 240 Karelia 20:00
Saw Mill Bay Standart 120 Mountain Path 20:00
Radium Port Standart 1200 Karelia 20:00
Yamba Standart 240 Mountain Path 20:00
Diavick Standart 2400 Port 20:00
Ukkusocksallik Standart 360 Steppes 19:00
Southhampton Landing 96 Cliff 19:00
Cluane Standart 480 Mountain Path 17:00
Whitehorse Standart 1200 Port 17:00
Watson Lake Standart 2400 Highway 17:00
Ford Liard Standart 120 Murovanka 17:00
Fort Providence Standart 480 Fisherman's Bay 20:00
Yellowknife Key province 6000 Port 17:00
Rat River Standart 120 Murovanka 17:00
Fort Resolution Standart 240 Fisherman's Bay 17:00
Arviat Standart 120 Arctic Region 19:00
North-West Standart 720 Mountain Path 17:00
Prince George Land Key province 6000 Karelia 17:00
Maccensy Standart 1200 Mountain Path 17:00
Buffalo Wood Key province 6000 Mountain Path 17:00
North Suskatchevan Standart 480 Karelia 17:00
North Brandon Standart 720 Highway 19:00
Coast Landing 480 Serene Coast 17:00
Caribu Standart 600 Mountain Path 17:00
Camplus Standart 720 Karelia 17:00
South-East Standart 480 Karelia 17:00
Greenview Standart 600 Mountain Path 17:00
Yellowhead Standart 720 Serene Coast 17:00
Opportunity Standart 480 Lakeville 17:00
Snt. Pavel Standart 720 Lakeville 17:00
Vulcan Standart 600 Highway 17:00
Swift Carrent Standart 480 Highway 17:00
Rosetown Standart 480 Malinovka 17:00
Prince Albert's Island Standart 720 Murovanka 17:00
Regina Standart 600 Highway 17:00
Central Suskatchevan Standart 480 Mountain Path 17:00
Norman Standart 720 Malinovka 19:00
South Brandon Standart 480 Serene Coast 19:00
Interpake Standart 600 Malinovka 17:00
Churchill Standart 720 Widepark 19:00
Winniepag Standart 600 Ruinberg 17:00
North-West Ontraio Key province 6000 Serene Coast 19:00
Thunder-Bay Standart 600 Ruinberg 17:00
Kokran Standart 480 Mountain Path 19:00
Algoma Standart 600 Highway 19:00
Abitiby - Temiscoming Standart 960 Murovanka 19:00
South Jamesi Standart 600 Serene Coast 19:00
Morisi Standart 480 Cliff 19:00
Toronto Standart 3600 Port 19:00
Hollow of Snt. Laurenty Standart 2400 Ruinberg 19:00
West Cativyk Standart 480 Fjords 19:00
North Jamesi Standart 600 Cliff 19:00
Sageney - Saint-Jan lake Standart 720 Lakeville 17:00
East Cativik Standart 480 Serene Coast 19:00
Caniapisko Standart 720 Cliff 19:00
North Labrador Landing 240 Fjords 19:00
South Labrador Key province 6000 Cliff 19:00
Snt. Laurenty Bay Standart 480 Serene Coast 19:00
Newfoundland Standart 600 Fisherman's Bay 19:00
New-Brownswick Standart 1200 Highway 19:00
New Scotland Standart 480 Cliff 19:00
Antikosty Landing 120 Cliff 17:00
Cuttinypaark Landing 48 Fjords 19:00
Yorkton Standart 600 Widepark 17:00
USA (Alaska)
North Slope Standart 1200 Siegfried Line 21:00
North-West Arctica Landing 96 Fjords 21:00
Ucon-Koyuken Standart 240 Siegfried Line 21:00
Nome Key province 6000 Karelia 21:00
Wade Hampton Landing 96 Fjords 21:00
Betel Standart 360 Serene Coast 21:00
Dillingham Standart 480 Karelia 21:00
South-east farbanks Standart 240 Siegfried Line 21:00
Lake-ened-Peninsula Standart 360 Fjords 21:00
Kenay Standart 1200 Serene Coast 21:00
Kadiac Landing 120 Fjords 21:00
Newarchangelsk Landing 120 Karelia 21:00
Wolf Land Standart 96 Fjords 19:00
Frechen Land Standart 120 Cliff 19:00
Yohannes V. Yensen Westlands Landing 48 Fjords 19:00
Yohannes V. Yensen Eastlands Standart 120 Serene Coast 19:00
North-west Piri Land Standart 96 Siegfried Line 19:00
North-east Piri Land Standart 96 Cliff 19:00
South-west Piri Land Standart 240 Fjords 19:00
South-east Piri Land Standart 240 Siegfried Line 19:00
North Ericsson Land Standart 120 Serene Coast 19:00
South Ericsson Land Standart 240 Fjords 19:00
Crown-Prince Christian land Landing 96 Siegfried Line 19:00
North Lambert Land Standart 240 Cliff 19:00
South Lambert Land Standart 120 Fjords 19:00
German Land Standart 240 Siegfried Line 19:00
Queen Margareth II land Standart 120 Serene Coast 19:00
King Christine X Westland Standart 96 Siegfried Line 19:00
King Christine X Eastland Standart 240 Fjords 19:00
Gudzon Land Standart 240 Cliff 19:00
Skorbsy Land Standart 120 Karelia 19:00
Blosville shelf Standart 240 Siegfried Line 19:00
Barklay's cape Standart 96 Serene Coast 19:00
Goonbiorn Standart 240 Fjords 19:00
Taseelak Standart 96 Siegfried Line 19:00
North Freedrich IV land Standart 120 Siegfried Line 19:00
South Freedrich IV land Standart 120 Cliff 19:00
Farvale cape Landing 24 Fjords 19:00
Nuuk Standart 1200 Cliff 19:00
Sesemeut Standart 240 Siegfried Line 19:00
Aaseaat Standart 96 Serene Coast 19:00
Aglat Standart 240 Fjords 19:00
Ellorsweet Standart 99 Siegfried Line 19:00
Nonaweek Peninsula Landing 48 Cliff 19:00
Upernavik Kujalleq Standart 240 Siegfried Line 19:00
Kangersuatsiak Standart 120 Fjords 19:00
Innaarsuit Standart 240 Siegfried Line 19:00
Nuussuak Standart 96 Fjords 19:00
Kullorsuak Standart 240 Siegfried Line 19:00
York Cape Standart 96 Siegfried Line 19:00
Inglefield land Standart 240 Serene Coast 19:00
Washington Land Standart 240 Fjords 19:00
Earth Palate Standart 120 Fjords 19:00
Uumannak Standart 240 Siegfried Line 19:00
Prince Eduard Island Standart 480 Cliff 19:00


  1. Clide River should be Clyde River.

    1. Hi windwardman!

      Thank you for correction. Fixed.

      Best regards,

  2. those timezones does not look like America Continent's Server.

    can we have this info for America server timezones?

    im at Argentina i like early times, but this is just too much... i belive this timezones are just for RU Server

    1. BTW i just find this blog and is awesome :)
      thank you very much for doing it

      and sorry my english is not good

    2. Hi Holack!

      Thank you for kind words-)

      Well, this is the way they are set currently. Prior to the launch we will revise the times and probably change them. Follow the blog, I will provide new information, once I have it.

      Best regards,
