Thursday, 13 June 2013

One of authors leaving: Vallter

Hi all!

Unfortunately, due to some internal things I have to quit writing in my blog. Probably I will post something not connected to Wargaming products, but gaming and industry in general (have you heard about termin 'anal donation' as synonym to pay-to-win? ). The reason is that as part of global company my page does not fits well, though resonance was created and hopefully more content will be published all around the world.

To not let the blog just die, some authors will be populating it with some QnA translations and sessions, sometime (at least 1-2 times a week) other Developers, like James White, will be populating it with data.

Thank you for reading, was nice to see such attention. Check the portals, there will be lots of interesting information coming in upcoming months. Many awesome things await you!

For those who want to keep up-to-date with some additional information, you can read - nice blog, with lots of information!

Best regards,

Monday, 10 June 2013

World of Tanks Xbox 360 edition

SPG's in 8.6. Prices report. Part I USSR

Hi all!

Some folks have asked about the detailed prices in 8.6 for SPG's. Well, I cannot provide final numbers, but I can list what we currently have in Public Test 8.6 #2.

Q'n'A on WoT

Hi all!

As promised, small Q'n'A basing on your comments. And first of all I would like to state that there is no planned buff for Super Pershing penetration! Sorry for misquoting comments, this is my bad and I totally understand it. As for T26E4 changes, we are considering different variants, including some changes to the gun. But there are no firm decisions atm.

The rest is below, due to limited space I will shorten some questions.

Sunday, 9 June 2013

What is planned to be posted?

Hi all!

How are you doing in the start of this week, which will bring us announcement of new Wargaming project on E3 and start of the Campaign on Global Map?

Well, I have great feelings about this, and the following is planned to be posted today-tomorrow.

Friday, 7 June 2013

New epic trailer

Hi all!

Check out new WoT trailer dedicated to 60 millions of registrations in WoT globally! BTW, you may find some easter egg (new map) in it! -)

Premium vehicles changes in 8.6 update

Hi everyone!

I know, that this news articles is on all portals, but I just want to have some discussion on blog and share some of my thoughts.

8.6 Public Test #2 notes with comments

Hi all!

Public Test #2 has just started. The following changes were implemented in it compared to the first test:

James White is back!

Hello everyone!

Let me introduce myself a little bit. I work as Lead community manager of World а Warplanes on RU WoWp forum. Some of you can remember me as an organizer of WoWp Alpha test in Europe and North America.

You can ask me questions regarding World of Warplanes 4.3. update. I will try to answer all of them.
Please note, that James White is a nickname and I am not a native English speaker. However, I will try to be clearly understandable.

Feel free to ask!

Plan for today

Hi all!

As I've promised, there will be more information released today than usual. But it is unlikely that any announcements will be done over the weekend.  (well, at least if I don't decide to stay sober -) )

Today the following will be posted:

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Some funny pictures

Hi all!

Unfortunately, no time to create an informative post today, but I will release more information tomorrow-)

And in the meantime - enjoy:

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

8.6 new automatic functional

Hi all!

I've seen a lot of questions all over the forums regarding the following message on Public Test server:

In this post you may find some explanations to this.

8.6 Fate of SuperPershing.

Hi all!

We've gathered your feedback all over the forums in feedback and general discussion threads, noted your opinion in Social Media, including blogs, and even have taken in count popular chat messages! So the decision is....

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

8.6 News from the workshop

Hi all!

Some brand-new information based on the most popular questions regarding 8.6 update. We've considered your feedback. The following is currently being....

MM chart for 8.6

Hi all!

Many of you have asked about MM chart for 8.6 update. Well below you may see version of 8.6 MM chart for Public Test #2 version (it may change in the live version)

WoWS brand new trailer!

Hi all!

Please, take a look on exclusive new trailer of World of Warships!

Monday, 3 June 2013

Superpershing. Do we keep the change, or remove it?

Hi all!

It's pretty important for all of us to know your opinion and feedback. Currently in 8.6 we've introduced and incorrect version of Super Pershing model. And we need to know, whether we keep it or not, since it's a possible nerf of the vehicle.

WoWP Premium Account

Hi all!

You've wondered how to get premium in WoWP to help you in WoT? Well this shceme explains everything pretty well:

Clan Wars Campaign has started on RU!

Hi all!

Clan Wars Campaigns has started on RU- server today. We've wiped the map and enabled re-division of the world. Since RU-server has 8 prime times, at the moment of posting some clans have already finished battles, while other are still planning where they should land:

New June calendar

Hi all!

Back from the weekend with new forces for writing. Today interesting information regarding WoWP OBT will be posted. Also today or tomorrow you may expect a short report from RU server, where Campaigns have launched today.

And for now you may download new June calendar, which features eSports. It's awesome, isn't it?

You may find all resolutions and images without any text in this archive:

Stay tuned!