Friday, 7 June 2013

James White is back!

Hello everyone!

Let me introduce myself a little bit. I work as Lead community manager of World а Warplanes on RU WoWp forum. Some of you can remember me as an organizer of WoWp Alpha test in Europe and North America.

You can ask me questions regarding World of Warplanes 4.3. update. I will try to answer all of them.
Please note, that James White is a nickname and I am not a native English speaker. However, I will try to be clearly understandable.

Feel free to ask!


  1. I was hoping for James Brown... oh well... :)

    1. Maybe u 2 can agree on " James Chocolate"?

    2. @ Folterknecht,

      This is a very 'border' joke

  2. Is it alright to ask general questions about WoWP rather than just the 4.3 update?

    1. Yes, it's OK, James will answer them.

    2. Oh ok, I have a few:

      1)4.3 brings a lot of graphics changes to the game but are the graphics tied to the bigworld engine or is Bigworld simply an engine for game mechanics?

      2)Unlike WoT which I think went to Beta with only USSR and Germany, WoWP starts with 4 aircraft trees USSR,USA,Germany and Japan. Does having more trees mean we'll have to wait longer for more nations like the UK tree?

      3)Also, is Italy getting a tree or will it be part of Europe?

      4)Does the class "Carrier Based Fighter" means anything in game like "Light tank" or "SPG" in WoT terms or is it simply just a name?

      5)Speaking of carriers and land based fighters...will Imperial Japanese Army get planes too?

  3. Hi, here are my answers:
    1. The client and server of woWp are both BigWorld arcchitecture.
    2. Of course. The next nation will be British aircraft, and then we expect some mpore nations added: China, France, Italy. (in alphabetical order.)
    3. I think I have already answered ;-)
    4. It means the it can be playes as heavy fighter(with bombs and rockets) or as pure fighter. So, it provide more gameplay diversity.
    5. Yep.
