Thursday, 13 June 2013

One of authors leaving: Vallter

Hi all!

Unfortunately, due to some internal things I have to quit writing in my blog. Probably I will post something not connected to Wargaming products, but gaming and industry in general (have you heard about termin 'anal donation' as synonym to pay-to-win? ). The reason is that as part of global company my page does not fits well, though resonance was created and hopefully more content will be published all around the world.

To not let the blog just die, some authors will be populating it with some QnA translations and sessions, sometime (at least 1-2 times a week) other Developers, like James White, will be populating it with data.

Thank you for reading, was nice to see such attention. Check the portals, there will be lots of interesting information coming in upcoming months. Many awesome things await you!

For those who want to keep up-to-date with some additional information, you can read - nice blog, with lots of information!

Best regards,


  1. Sorry to hear this.
    Hope you all the best behind the scenes.

    With Best Regards,

    1. Thx for kind words and wishes, will try to keep the rest of my job at the best level possible.

  2. Replies
    1. Jgpz3 or whatever that tier 3 arty is called. you seal clubber. :)


    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. WG is forcing me to club seals in low tiers with this BS campaign . t1 were a total fail btw. nothing but camping

      Should have made it t4-8 and not this nonsense low tier madness. Yesterday we were one shooting t3 in the campaign ... it wasnt funny anymore. Around 80% hitratio with t3 artis and of those hits around 70% were oneshots ... . They dont even know how there own game works or otherwise they wouldnt come up with this ... Bison and StPtII shooting t2-3 tanks - > epic fail

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. @Foltenknecht

      This will be fixed with 8.6, so there won't be any issues in the next Campaign. And hey! We remove Tank Locking starting from the Stage II till the end of Campaign.

  3. Why dude, why? did the Wargaming KGB get you? should we call the police?

    1. Hey Daniel!

      No, there is no need to do that!-)

      It was just decided that putting more forces in synchronizing information releases will be more beneficial. I will be pushing for some official blog from WG side, and leave this one as personal.

      Best regards,

  4. Perhabs the SuperPershing nerf/buff 'leaks'?

    Isn't it the standard procedure that community-friendly devs get punished by WG?

    All the best, Vallter!

    1. Hi zenobs,

      Well, I have not leaked any information in this blog, which was not released in RU-region first. I've mainly share my personal opinions and gathered your feedback.

      Anyway, thx for reading! Do not quit it, there are other authors, who will be posting here. I hope that we will grow in numbers with time and also generate interesting content.

      I've spoken with James White today. He have answered all your questions regarding WoWP, but is travelling currently. Hopefully he will be able to post them soon.

      Best regards,

  5. Thank you for your effort and openess. You will be missed by us players.
    /Grolim EU server

  6. Awww really sorry to hear that, Vallter. Yet another WG shot in the foot, this blog was the best WG idea since Overlord's Q&A thread...

    1. No worries Frank, other people will be posting here.

      Best regards,

  7. Overlords blog is bull crap and its been crap for a very long time now.

  8. Well, SerB is not the person who decides on English content. And for RU community he has his own charisma.

    SerB is more like one of genius persons - the more brilliant mind they have, the less they can communicate friendly-)

  9. The blog will remain, I will just stop posting content here. But I'm not the only author, so I hope blog will live, I will be able to answer in comments and post something regarding gaming industry as a whole.

  10. But Overlord long ago stopped informing about incoming features. Most probably the same reason as here.

    Pn Overlord blog it is rather discussing, players feedback gathering and giving information, which appeared in other places. So like here from now.

    Valter, maybe you could be doing official Q&A on EU like Overlord in 2011-2012? Cause it should be done by someone sitting in Minsk, not by people from Paris office, who have much less information about details, reasons of some decisions and so on.

    1. Hi Dead_Skin_Mask!

      All teams have same level of informations, probably some are just more aggressive posters. Thank you for proposal, but I cannot be doing that -)

      Best regards,

  11. Sad to hear you have to stop. Was really loving to hear from an official WG staff member what was happening with our favourite game.

    Off-Topic.. Did you manage to do anything with the KV-5 problem I posted and got you a screenshot off?

    Good luck in your further career and future live ;) Wish you the best!

    Kind regards


    1. I've passed it to QA, and if problem confirms - it will be fixed.

      Best regards,

  12. Vallter before u leave can u find out one last thing WG Eu is to "stupid" to tell us:
    In the campaign do the landing battles count towards the battles needed for M60 and moreover do technicals count?

    1. Landing battles count, while technicals are not counted

    2. Hi Vallter! 2nd Question. This also applies to the landing of the first day?

    3. thx Vallter :)

      But this means that Wg Eu again handed out wrong info (They said both in the Ger and Eng section that landings AND technicals count). Why every WG Team except the one in Paris seems to be able to get/hand out correct infos?

    4. Hi Manuel!

      Seems to be miscommunication in some part. Could you link me on these posts, so I get them fixed?

      @ str0mshadow

      First day landing counts towards the whole Campaign, but does not count for the first Stage.


      Here they reply that landingbattles count.

      Here they say that ALL battles count no matter how they ended (technicals).

      those are two from the German section (sry cant find the English ones at the moment (Dont want to skim all the threads...))

      And moreover its not the first time that theres a miscommunication between Paris and Minsk... and thats the problem. They are doing Q&A-threads with wrong infos, they are handing out wrong infos, even the support and the forum team of Paris seem to have communication errors because most of the time both are handing out different infos (for example if u ask both about banned mods)

      I dont know if those things are problems in Minsk, Paris or WG overall, but they need to be fixed finally and ASAP.

      PS: BTW can u tell Minsk that the EU API is not working since 1 year (told our EU team 100 times but now im not sure if THEY told minsk) and that on the homepage profiles the preorder tanks are missing (Beta Sherman and the A32 for example)

    6. oh and btw why such important infos (which battles count for what) was not announced with the campaign?

    7. Dear Vallter, thx for the Informations.

      Unfortunately your infos affects all EU clan, who relied on the wrong information from WG Paris on Monday. Sad but true. :(

  13. Come back to blogging if you can in the future.
    I think we all enjoy what you have to say here.


  14. Sad to see you go, Vallter, you've been doing a great job here :<

    Are you going to be completing your pending 8.6 Q&A pt.2 before leaving for good, or is another author going to pick it up?

    Regardless, good luck in your future affairs. Drop in sometimes and say hi, don't be a stranger; you've made friends here.

    1. Hi Septfox!

      No, I won't be finishing Q'n'A, but probably someone else will do that.

      Best regards,

  15. Oh such a bad news, man. And we all know the reason -(
    Look how you are communicating with us, kindly replying to every single post, please tell them that THIS IS what we need from WG.

    You'll be surely missing Vallter. Thanks for your time!

  16. such bad news :(, and i just discovered this blog recently(couple weeks ago) from ftr site!.
    The info you where posting was very interesting and timely, the comments where a very very good addition.

    Hope you can at least keep doing that "adding comments(personal) on officially released info" as long as it doesn't clashes too much.

    btw: still remember our conversations from moscow with feedback and the future, too bad the game was so "green" back then!

  17. To all EU Players:

  18. and im still waiting for new articles...
