Monday, 3 June 2013

Superpershing. Do we keep the change, or remove it?

Hi all!

It's pretty important for all of us to know your opinion and feedback. Currently in 8.6 we've introduced and incorrect version of Super Pershing model. And we need to know, whether we keep it or not, since it's a possible nerf of the vehicle.

So the changes are described at their best by this animation:

So we actually decreased the angle of Superpershing upper and lower frontal armour plate. It's an accident - some early SP models replaced the one, which actually was introduced in the game. But not we've received lot's of comments that such armor type will be more in line with regular Pershing, as well as won't be noticed due to overall armor buff.

And we are confused. We will gather feedback through forums, but I personally would like to know your opinion - should be keep it as it is in 8.6, or move it back to 8.5 version?

Thanks in advance for your comments!


  1. All the stupid whine from some premium tank owners aside after every patch ... people paid real money for this ingame item/tank.

    What would you think, if Nvidia or ATI/AMD changed the charaktesitics of their GPUs unfavourably after you bought one via driver/bios update for example?

    Not that it wouldnt be the first time that WG did that though ... . The difference is that today the community is paying much closer attention to such things.

    1. Thank you for sharing your opinion. More we have, more solid decision we will make either in favour of 8.5 or 8.6 version of the tank.

      Please, share this post with your colleagues and let them also voice their thoughts.

      best regards,

  2. Thank you for asking. Though as far as I've seen nobody else has voiced it, it's really appreciated to actually have some developer interaction on things like this. The feedback sections feel a bit like black holes sometimes.

    As you've no doubt seen in the forum thread, the opinion is overwhelmingly "keep the 8.5 model, the Super Pershing has enough trouble as it is".

    If another aspect of the tank were modified to be historically accurate in addition to the armor change (rumor has it that the cannon is incorrect and the absence of the upgraded engine is arbitrary), then players might find the 8.6 model to be acceptable in exchange; I suppose you would have to do server polls if you wanted to determine that for sure.

    Changing the armor alone to perform less favorably, when it's the tank's only real strength, will impact both the tank's battle performance and Wargaming's ability to sell it to players. Nobody wants the tank they bought "nerfed", and I doubt you guys want to sell your players fewer tanks.

    1. Thank you very much for feedback.

      We really care a lot on the balance, specifically when it goes to premium tanks. That's why we are polishing Sexton SPG for 3 updates, if 8.6 is counted.

      As for the options you've mentioned, I do agree that armour should be not nerfed and model should be kept. But the decision is not only mines, so we need as many opinions as we can gather.

      Best regards,

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. First, I appreciate this blog a lot :) There are never enough info sources. Either way, I think that a premium tank frontal armor nerf is a PR suicide, no matter how you twist it. Especially one bought in large numbers - and not cheapest one either.

    What I find extremely strange is that on one hand Wargaming has no problems with fake vehicles (GW Tiger P, E50M, T28 Prototype etc.), but on the other hand someone comes up with something as silly as nerfing a premium tier 8 tank because "it's realistic". No. Definitely keep it as it is, please.

    1. Hi Mr. Davis!

      First of all, thank you for reading the blog. I will post different intresting information here from time to time.

      Opinion noted, thank you.

      Best regards,

  5. The Super Pershing armor shouldn't be nerfed - it already struggles enough as it is. All competent players know how to shoot the weakspots - a task that will become much easier with accuracy buff.

    The SP could in all honestly do with a buff - perhaps in regard of engine power - or some other improvement. In my view,having played extensively with all the T8 premium tanks, it's the weakest one.

    1. Hi Mr. Youshitome,

      We won't give it any buff, but probably we will keep it as in version 8.5

      Best regards,

  6. Please do not nerf the Super Pershing. It's difficult enough as it is to stay alive in it. You don't need to make the entire tank penetrable. Make its opponents use a little bit of talent to damage it.

  7. The armor nerf to the Super Pershing may be acceptable IF it gets compensated in some other way, i.e. better track friction or RoF.

    1. Hi Tupinambis,

      Well, no other changes are done to SP in 8.6, so I will count it as opinion to go back to 8.5 version.

      Best regards,

  8. In my honest opinion, you should go back to what it looks now in 0.8.5. Meaning no change. Nefring the premium tank is a really bad thing to do, and besides - the accuracy buff will be a very bad thing for Super Pershings owners. Right now high penetration gun from tanks of tiers VIII and higher penetrate the upper part of the UFP (above the MG port), as there is only one additional spaced armour plate. This tank receive a lot of dmg in randoms already, that nerf would make playing it much worse.

    Thanks for asking the community, and cheers from Poland :)

    1. Hi Haren!

      Opinion noted. I'm glad that even in Poland people read my blog-)

      Best regards,

  9. As valid as the reason may be... You would need to go full historical all the time to justify changing a premium tank. If it was non-premium people might have less of a problem with it but its not. It does seem silly to not have it modeled correctly when the tank was first added in. Perhaps you can keep it as 8.5 and in the future... Check and then check again that the tank is modeled correctly before adding it into the game... esp if it is a premium. It would save you guys PR problems and save what face you guys still have. Plus it might just earn you guys some much needed respect.


  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Dear Vallter,

    I purchased super pershing some time ago after 8.5 came live. I have not found Super Pershing to be overly powered, not that I am very experienced with it either, in most games where you get by MM, you are facing Tier 9 tanks, and even Tier 8 tanks. Of which 60-70% are faster than you including heavies. Out maneuvering even TD's is hard as your speed is lower than the td's relative traverse - he will shoot you in the flank. Slow traverse both hull and turret ensures that most of the players can and will flank you. SP lacks alpha damage and this ensures hard times against mediums and heavys in close quarters especially in open spaces. When you get tracked fighting any other medium you are done for. When fighting in city maps SP is quite easy to out maneuver still thou you usually get non damaging initial hits to the armour plates. With SP's gun you are still bouncing shots (even more so in the 8.6 after normalization) Most tier 8 and 9 players know weakpoints of SP and find ways to penetrate your cupola and looksie windows. As you are slow it is harder to pick your fights and you're always committed to one direction.
    Not to mention the sweet hotness of the SPG love you are getting.

    If I would get to pick I'd take either more damage and/or better traverse speeds and top speed (engine) over armour to help angling, aiming and positioning. If this is not an option please not nerf the only real strength of this beauty.

    Thanks for asking the community.

    1. Hi Tauriainen!

      And thank you for detailed feedback.

      Best regards,

  12. Super Pershing already has a huge weakspot on top of its turret. Don't make the spaced armor weaker. Thanks

    1. And as someone above me mentioned, with accuracy buff, this weakspot becomes increasingly easy to hit. Do not nerf it further!

  13. What has kept the SP alive till this point is it's front armor. With many of the shell changes and the armor, many of the players are feeling uneasy about the situation. I am too especially when the armor with a spall has no issue combating HEAT. It's ACPR I am worried about.

    If you're going to fix the model for historical reasons, then you should go all the way in one pass. Delay this armor change for the time being and have your supertesters try out the armor with new shell values and making the engine the historically accurate 560 {or was it 550?} Ford Engine. This will go a long way to helping ease the player base.

    Also, it's a good idea to temporary pull the SP from the store until these changes are made. It will keep the amount of pitchforks and torches to a minimum...

  14. Please do not change any premium stuff ppl have paid real money for unless you have a really (really) good reason to do it.

    In the case of the SP there is just no really good reason. It might be a little unhistorical, but this is a game, and there is loads of stuff in the game that is unhistorical. If you want to sell the "correct" Sp, do not nerf the one already in the game. Let players who bought the original SP keep it, but remove it from the store. Then start selling the new model -SP, version B-. That would be a lot more fair to the customers.

    I do not have the SP myself, but I have met it often enough, and it is imo the weakest tier 8 premium. The changes that have been put forward will make this tank even weaker. If I had bought it and you changed it, I would join the whiners and demand my money back. I do not think WG need that kind of massive whine-choir (again)!

  15. PLEASE Dont Nerf T26E4 NEVER!!!

    and keep the change 0.8.5 version FOREVER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
