Thursday, 13 June 2013

One of authors leaving: Vallter

Hi all!

Unfortunately, due to some internal things I have to quit writing in my blog. Probably I will post something not connected to Wargaming products, but gaming and industry in general (have you heard about termin 'anal donation' as synonym to pay-to-win? ). The reason is that as part of global company my page does not fits well, though resonance was created and hopefully more content will be published all around the world.

To not let the blog just die, some authors will be populating it with some QnA translations and sessions, sometime (at least 1-2 times a week) other Developers, like James White, will be populating it with data.

Thank you for reading, was nice to see such attention. Check the portals, there will be lots of interesting information coming in upcoming months. Many awesome things await you!

For those who want to keep up-to-date with some additional information, you can read - nice blog, with lots of information!

Best regards,

Monday, 10 June 2013

World of Tanks Xbox 360 edition

SPG's in 8.6. Prices report. Part I USSR

Hi all!

Some folks have asked about the detailed prices in 8.6 for SPG's. Well, I cannot provide final numbers, but I can list what we currently have in Public Test 8.6 #2.

Q'n'A on WoT

Hi all!

As promised, small Q'n'A basing on your comments. And first of all I would like to state that there is no planned buff for Super Pershing penetration! Sorry for misquoting comments, this is my bad and I totally understand it. As for T26E4 changes, we are considering different variants, including some changes to the gun. But there are no firm decisions atm.

The rest is below, due to limited space I will shorten some questions.

Sunday, 9 June 2013

What is planned to be posted?

Hi all!

How are you doing in the start of this week, which will bring us announcement of new Wargaming project on E3 and start of the Campaign on Global Map?

Well, I have great feelings about this, and the following is planned to be posted today-tomorrow.

Friday, 7 June 2013

New epic trailer

Hi all!

Check out new WoT trailer dedicated to 60 millions of registrations in WoT globally! BTW, you may find some easter egg (new map) in it! -)

Premium vehicles changes in 8.6 update

Hi everyone!

I know, that this news articles is on all portals, but I just want to have some discussion on blog and share some of my thoughts.

8.6 Public Test #2 notes with comments

Hi all!

Public Test #2 has just started. The following changes were implemented in it compared to the first test:

James White is back!

Hello everyone!

Let me introduce myself a little bit. I work as Lead community manager of World а Warplanes on RU WoWp forum. Some of you can remember me as an organizer of WoWp Alpha test in Europe and North America.

You can ask me questions regarding World of Warplanes 4.3. update. I will try to answer all of them.
Please note, that James White is a nickname and I am not a native English speaker. However, I will try to be clearly understandable.

Feel free to ask!

Plan for today

Hi all!

As I've promised, there will be more information released today than usual. But it is unlikely that any announcements will be done over the weekend.  (well, at least if I don't decide to stay sober -) )

Today the following will be posted:

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Some funny pictures

Hi all!

Unfortunately, no time to create an informative post today, but I will release more information tomorrow-)

And in the meantime - enjoy:

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

8.6 new automatic functional

Hi all!

I've seen a lot of questions all over the forums regarding the following message on Public Test server:

In this post you may find some explanations to this.

8.6 Fate of SuperPershing.

Hi all!

We've gathered your feedback all over the forums in feedback and general discussion threads, noted your opinion in Social Media, including blogs, and even have taken in count popular chat messages! So the decision is....

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

8.6 News from the workshop

Hi all!

Some brand-new information based on the most popular questions regarding 8.6 update. We've considered your feedback. The following is currently being....

MM chart for 8.6

Hi all!

Many of you have asked about MM chart for 8.6 update. Well below you may see version of 8.6 MM chart for Public Test #2 version (it may change in the live version)

WoWS brand new trailer!

Hi all!

Please, take a look on exclusive new trailer of World of Warships!

Monday, 3 June 2013

Superpershing. Do we keep the change, or remove it?

Hi all!

It's pretty important for all of us to know your opinion and feedback. Currently in 8.6 we've introduced and incorrect version of Super Pershing model. And we need to know, whether we keep it or not, since it's a possible nerf of the vehicle.

WoWP Premium Account

Hi all!

You've wondered how to get premium in WoWP to help you in WoT? Well this shceme explains everything pretty well:

Clan Wars Campaign has started on RU!

Hi all!

Clan Wars Campaigns has started on RU- server today. We've wiped the map and enabled re-division of the world. Since RU-server has 8 prime times, at the moment of posting some clans have already finished battles, while other are still planning where they should land:

New June calendar

Hi all!

Back from the weekend with new forces for writing. Today interesting information regarding WoWP OBT will be posted. Also today or tomorrow you may expect a short report from RU server, where Campaigns have launched today.

And for now you may download new June calendar, which features eSports. It's awesome, isn't it?

You may find all resolutions and images without any text in this archive:

Stay tuned!

Friday, 31 May 2013

World of Warplanes 4.3

Hi everyone!

I just wanted to share with you the Developers bulletin from World of Warplanes. You will find some interesting info on changes in 4.3 and  rewards for Open Beta testing.

Please, note, that my version is a slightly edited one.

'Canada and Alaska' region

Hi all!

You may have noticed an announcement on official portal of this region. I've decided to share more details with those, who just want to have more strategic view.

So, overview of the map:

And below you may find a table with all the provinces, income and their maps:

Just finished content


Below you may see  a small part of upcoming map for one of Wargaming projects. More information about this will be release also in this blog today at 18:00 UTC, so stay tuned!

Thursday, 30 May 2013

Arty in 8.6. Public Test report. Tech Trees.

Hi all!

I know that many of you are interested in Artillery changes, but had no chance to check them out yourselves due to bug Test Server client size or queues. So I've decided to make a some screenshots of new Tech Trees.

Note that I've slightly edited images of Tech Trees, to make them smaller (sorry for my nearly failing Paint skills)

That's how Tank Trees look like. Tomorrow I will share some details on characteristics.

Thank you for reading!

Tokens, Premium Accounts, World of Warplanes and Account Roaming

Hi all!
Today a United Premium Account was announced for all products. What exactly does this mean?
Well, first of all,by purchasing a premium account in one product, you will have it for all of our products. And do not fear, the price for the Premium Account won't be rising. The only way it may change is in your favor as  discounts and specials, which are introduced from time to time (btw, you can look forward to something really special on 15 years Anniversary of WG, which will take place on 2nd of August).
There is also another very important change, which was almost unnoticed by community, but is very important - the new tokens in World of Warplanes. During Open Beta there will be chance to receive this special game currency which will work as a kind of gold alternative. This tokens may be spent  on purchasing a Premium Account, and it will also work for World of Tanks!
So prepare yourself for World of Warplanes Open Beta!
To our players who have not logged in to WoWP for several month I sincerely recommend you do so. The game is much improved. There are new graphics, controls, flight model, planes, reworked domination regime, modules, consumables.... Lot's of things. And in some upcoming updates, aside of all other crazy and cool stuff, we will introduce crews and achievements. And I'm really looking forward to it (yes, game is currently polished enough to introduce some 'shiny' things).
Tomorrow more information on World of Warplanes will be posted, so stay tuned!
Thanks for reading.
P.S. You asked a lot about server transfer and account roaming... Well I have some information to share. First of all, we do remember about your requests to develop roaming system, so you can play on different servers. But you also should note that it takes time and a lot of work to make it in accordance to system of each server. For example, RU has vehicles and inscriptions, like 'Stalin', which are not available, and are even offensive for EU community. So we need a system, which will replace such inscriptions on something neutral, when you are playing on RU server.
And this is just one small thing we should take in count. But anyway, first tests and implementation of roaming account between servers will be probably done this year.
As for server transfers... Well, we will soon open one for Korean server. If you are from Asian region and wanted to move, you should use your chance!
At the end I would like to thank Yankee, awesome man who helps me a lot proof-reading my mixture of English and Russian!

Friday, 24 May 2013

Comments on 8.6 update notes basing on your questions

Hi again!

We decided to release comment on 8.6 update notes, since you've aksed lots of questions. I repost it from forums to blog, slightly changing:

Disabled tracers:
Tracers will be disabled for all vehicles, except for SPGs. This means that tracers from SPGs will still be visible for everyone, just as it currently is in the game. However the area in SPG strategic aiming mode, where tracers of invisible vehicles are shown, has been reduced. To see them you will need to be closer to the point where they originated from. 

During the process we have also removed the tracers of your own shots. But you should not be worried about it too much. We will probably bring it back with the 0.8.6 release, maybe even with the tracers of your allies’ shots. 

This is done to address issues with currently existing modifications of the game, which actually allow to cheat withouth being banned for this. We are planning to make even more protection for tracers, comparing to what we've done a year ago.

Nerf of “HEAT” shells:
As announced previously, this is still planned. A detailed list of the changes will be shared closer to the release date.   

We just want to stop Tier V and VI pwning with derp guns and premium shells. They are too OP currently

100% trained crew for new accounts:
Will be available only for the Tier I tanks that are available with the account creation. This feature will not be applied to any newly purchased Tier I vehicles. 

About the changes in game economy:
The income of all vehicles from the 5th tier to the 10th tier, except SPGs, will be increased. The changes will also be applied to the premium vehicles.
Premium tanks up to the 8th tier will be leveled by the most profitable tier 8 vehicles. The income of less profitable vehicle will be increased. 

About the optimization of the sniper mode view:
Well, this is just a mechanism of reticle stabilization in sniper mode. It helps a lot during aiming on railroads, crushed fences etc. You will be able to fire faster, since you won’t have to wait until the tank stabilizes on this curvy terrain. It’s really useful and after internal tests we decided to implement it. 

New premium tanks:
In 8.6 we will add the long expected Tier V Heavy A33 Excelsior tank. But we won’t add the Sexton, because there will be too many changes for SPGs in the next update and we want to analyze their performance first.  

Actions using in-game physics:
A mechanism was added, which allows determining what bonuses (XP, credits, frag count) will be granted for damaging or killing tanks using physics (pushing into water or from cliffs etc.) and who should receive them.”

This sentence means that there is not only a mechanism, but that this actually works. We will provide you with more details in further patch notes. 

New super-heavy spall liner
USSR: KV-4, KV-5

Germany: GW typ E, Jagdtiger8,8 , Jagdtiger, JagdPz E-100, VK4502 B, Maus, Lowe, E-75, E-100, VK7201

USA: T95, Т110Е3

Britain: Tortoise, FV215b, TOG II*
* If any tank has a spall liner installed, it will be automatically changed to the new super-heavy version, which will be moved to your depot. We’ll move it there first, since the new spall liner weighs 1.5 times more, and may not be compatible with your current vehicle set-up.

New camouflage mechanics
Prior to the update we will release a separate document just about these new mechanics. Stay tuned.

Turret shift for E-100:
Turret on the E-100 will be shifted forward by about 30 cm.

8.6 Update in World of Tanks


Yesterday we announced the details of the World of Tanks Supertest 8.6 changes. (You can read through full preliminary update notes

You may be asking yourself, "What the hell does this mean to me"? Not much at the moment. Although we have released some preliminary details, all changes remain in the Super Tester phase, and are still subject to change.

So let's take a look on the most significant parts of this update from my perspective.

First of all, artillery is going through some major changes, the most significant being the fact that they will now be tiered similary to other vehicles and will range from tier II to tier X. Tech Trees in 8.6 will look something like this (sorry for my poor 'Paint' skills -).
Note, that I specifically have not given to much details to research paths, since they are still subject to change:

All in all, SPGs will not play much differently. They are not receiving almost no buffs, while general performance will be decreased. BUT , keep in mind, they will have tighter Tier spread and will improved accuracy due to game mechanics changes.

So the game mechanics changes are the major part of this update. First of all we are changing the way HEAT shells work. So you will see much less OP Derp guns in Tier V and Tier VI.

Secondly, we increase accuracy of
every single gun in the game. To balance this for SPGs, we've slightly increasing depression for them

Thirdly, we are making armor penetration and damage distribution more predictable

Lastly, we are nerfing the bushes camouflage bonus, while significantly buffing the effect of premium camouflage patterns and the camouflage net module- they will now give a decent bonus even to the largest vehicles, like JagdPz E-100.

Many of  these changes are done in order to decrease random factors in the gameplay and give more value to player 'skill'. Overall, you should find the game to be much more predictable now.

We are also making economics changes. And the most important of these changes - we raise income of all Tier V - X vehicles (aside of SPGs, and that's their nerf for 8.6).

And we also giving giving assist bonuses for tracking enemies, which works similar to scouting bonuses. If your allies damage an enemy vehicle while that vehicle is tracked from your shot- you receive additional experience, but not any additional credits.

Also we want to rebalance premium shells prices, so the cost will be based on the improved performance of the shell, and not based on Tier or vehicle type.

Two last really important things, which everybody was waiting for - kill counts from physics interactions and dynamic texture changing. But I will describe this later...

Thank you for reading all of this. Wait for more interesting posts. Ask me questions - I will answer them, and probably make a separate QnA post afterwards.

Best regards,